PUBG Mobile New White body no Recoil no Grass + 90fps Config file 1.5

So in this article, I'm going to show you pubg mobile new white body with no recoil no grass + 90fps config file 1.5. I'm gonna rush him with the s12 k take some nice shots up. I'm surprised he didn't knock him before that and here's the guy on the other side of the rock some by myself I just had back up his teammates or up the hill. So I worked out pretty well and who was with him yeah because it remembers there are only three players now. Because my teammate was killed earlier so I was able to get the clutch using pubg mobile white body no recoil no grass config file there and surprise them. I said if you're reading this article definitely comment in the comments down below

PUBG Mobile White Body 

Pubg mobile white body config file allows you to spot the enemy location and you can easily kill your enemy with no grass no recoil 90 fps. Why you kept the s12K as long as you did nothing wrong with that but like I said I'm so used to seeing you with a DP or m762 to you. Now that I'm curious what the strategy was there maybe the team comp was a little bit different and you know they always work on having a really good spread for weapons. Oh my gosh, that is why you don't snake this faraway so remember grass and ground clutter only render about a hundred meters away. Actually, on erangle it's a little more than that I think it's was like 160 140 but it is not that far so. If you are that far away you were exposed those people were sneaking in the grass probably thinking, they were safe and they were not safe.

What is PUBG Mobile Config is all about?

So let's talk about what is pubg mobile config? They're actually just out in the open for the picking Andrew. She actually has the DP so let me know it's like I said I'm surprised. I'm used to seeing you with a DP but now they have this amazing Hill they have cleared so the reason they push the airside and cleared up that squad by the rock earlier. Because they wanted to make sure that nobody was going to come up to the side of that way as the zone closes. They're gonna be players off to their east through west that are going to have to move into this next safe zone and they're in an excellent spot.

Features of PUBG White body OBB mod file:-

Pubg mobile white body obb mod file is used to apply config file which is pasted in your OBB folder in the game directory. So they are going to have to rotate into the zone early so that's why they're pushing right now as opposed to waiting until the zone disclosing. They want to make sure that they establish themselves somewhere in here because there are seven players left alive. So most likely it's the three of them versus a full squad and he knows where a couple of Lamar's. So it's gonna go ahead and Molotov into the second-story window could have been a good Molotov looks like it might have worked. Ritchie goes up first and that was impressive.

Pubg Mod Obb Mod – No Grass:-

Pubg mobile new white body no recoil no grass + 90fps config file 1.5 allows you to kill your enemy with no grass, no recoil, no fog, aimbot, black sky, and high damage features. You can download the pubg mobile white body config files from my youtube channel and then extract them to paste in your game directory and enjoy.

so there you have chicken dinner just like that so against was a full squad but the combination of Molotov and the aggressive play. Aggression typically played pays off in a game like this as you can see right there and check out of those kills 18,16,9 and 8 my goodness 51 total over half the lobby at a very high-level game. So very impressive play by white body config, if you guys enjoyed it definitely give it a thumbs up share it with your friends, and consider subscribing to my channel as well as my own my name is KEYANI and I'll see you in a future article soon.

Conclusion: So there you have to get pubg mobile new white body no recoil no grass + 90fps config file 1.5 with extra features of black sky and high damage. By the way, I recommend you to play fair gameplay to improve your skills but you can use it at your own risk. I can just provide you advice and link to the config and now it is up to you that you're using it or not. I will bring new exciting tricks in my upcoming article so make sure to join my blog, YouTube channel, and Telegram channel for latest updates.

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